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Smart Force Attack (developed by LastBit)

Smart Force Attack is the advanced Brute Force Attack. This method assumes that the password being recovered consists of letters only and this combination of letters is meaningful. Smart Force Attack is based on the statistical tables built by means of analyzing of a large amount of texts. Smart Force Attack can save your time because it doesn’t test meaningless combinations of letters. The effectiveness of Smart Force Attack can be compared to that of Dictionary Attack with a very large dictionary. Smart Force Attack will not find passwords that contain digits or other non-alpha characters. Also it doesn’t work with machine-generated "random" passwords. Moreover, there is a possibility that Smart Force Attack will not recover a meaningful password. Nevertheless, Smart Force Attack can check passwords up to 11 characters in length in a reasonable amount of time. Brute Force Attack is useless in such cases.

If you’re not afraid of formulas: the rough estimation of time required is ((C*X/26)^L) / S / N,  where C is the length of the characters et, X is the SmartForce level, L is the length of the password, S is the speed of recovery (the number of passwords processed per second) and N is the number of computers used for recovery.

Time Required: Very little in case of short passwords, absolutely unacceptable amount in case of long passwords but still much less than time required for Brute Force Attack
What is Recovered? Original password
Guaranteed result? No
Requisites/Limitations The amount of time required is still the issue, though it is much less a problem than in case of Brute Force Attack.
Machine-generated passwords and passwords containing non-alpha characters cannot be recovered.
Passwords that can be recovered Any password
Pros Much faster than Brute Force Attack
Cons As in case of Brute Force Attack the amount of time required is large, certain experience and understanding of the process is required. Moreover, the success is not guaranteed.
International/Localization issues Current version can recover English passwords only.
Supported by the following LastBit software: 
Word Password, Excel Password, Zip Password, VBA Password,
OneNote Password
, PowerPoint Password, PwlTool
Further reading: More information on Smart Force Attack

Learn more about password recovery methods here.

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