Lastbit Software recovers lost or forgotten or passwords since 1997. Password Recovery Solutions online since 1997

Password Recovery
  Most Popular:
Access Password Recovery
Excel Password Recovery
Outlook Password Recovery
Word Password Recovery
VBA Password Recovery
Office 2007-2024, 365 Password Recovery Service

Quicken Password
QuickBooks Password


  Multi-User Password Manager
  Find Password Protected Documents
Online Password Generator

Effective Password Recovery Solutions - 27 years online!


Internet Password Recovery

Here you can find the information and help you need with all kinds of Internet passwords. We released our first password recovery tool in 1997. For over five years we have been offering a wide range of password recovery tools (also known as password crackers).

Our customer list includes Fortune 500 and multinational companies, governmental bodies and organizations, as well as small businesses and home users.

There are a lot of  Internet password types: dialup passwords, passwords to email accounts, FTP account passwords, passwords to password-protected web pages, Outlook identities passwords, autocomplete passwords and logins, etc.

Use Secret Explorer to Recover Internet Passwords

Most of this passwords are stored in so-called Protected Storage.  Protected Storage is an undocumented storage for sensitive information (such as various Internet passwords, form autocomplete passwords, logins and other secret information). Our Secret Explorer is the first tool that allows exploring and editing protected storage. Using Secret Explorer you can effectively recover various types of Internet passwords.

Mail Password Recovery

Our Mail Password program can instantly recover passwords to email POP3 boxes. It merely extracts stored mail account passwords using unique POP3 server emulation technology. Please note that Mail password does not recover passwords for web-based mail accounts.

FTP Password Recovery

Our FTP Password program can instantly recover all FTP logins and passwords stored in your computer by your FTP software. FTP Password supports ALL FTP clients. FTP Password DOES NOT allow to hack somebody's else FTP account. It just extracts password information stored locally in your computer (if any).

Internet Explorer Content Advisor Password

When password to Internet Explorer content advisor is enabled most internet sites become unavailable because content rating is not so popular. You are simply unable to use Internet Explorer if this content advisor is password-protected. Password to Internet Explorer content advisor could be recovered with our Internet Explorer Password recovery program.

Instant Messenger Password Recovery

If you need a password recovery tool for instant messenger use our instant messenger password recovery software:

ICQ Password

MSN Password

Yahoo Messenger Password

Skype Password

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