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Office 2007 / 2010 Password Recovery Service

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Password recovery for Office 2007 / 2010 is an extremely difficult and resource consuming job. With a single computer at your disposal, you have a very little chance to recover your password within a reasonable time span. Actually, you can recover it only if the password is very short or very simple (i.e. it's a dictionary word).

We would like to extend our invitation to rent our high-performance data center to break your password. We will check at least 5,500,000,000 most common passwords using the most effective combination of Brute-force attack, Dictionary Attack and Smart-Force Attack. We continuously improve our computing capacity and increase the search depth accordingly to increase the probability of success. To complete such amount of work on your own, you would need about a year of non-stop operation of a modern dual-core computer. At our data center, the same job would take just 100 hours.

We offer a Guaranteed Password Recovery service for Word 2007, 2010, Excel 2007, 2010, PowerPoint 2007, 2010, Access 2010, OneNote 2010, MS Project 2010. We cannot guarantee that we will recover your password; however, we can provide you with additional computing power of our datacenter and assure you that we will fully refund your order if we fail to recover your password.

How does it work?

First of all, keep in mind that this service is only applicable to Word 2007, 2010, Excel 2007, 2010, PowerPoint 2007, 2010, Access 2010, OneNote 2010 and MS Project 2010 passwords. Passwords of other types (such as password to modify) could be recovered easily with our password recovery software. Passwords in the older versions of Office (2003 and earlier) can also be recovered instantly.

1. You pay us a service fee and submit your recovery request. The service fee is €149 for Express Service and €79 for Standard Service. Keep in mind that Office 2007/2010 password recovery is an extremely resource-consuming task, and we have to spend a lot of resources (equivalent to hundreds of plain desktop computers).

2. We use our data center to break the password. It will take up to 72 hours (3 days) for Express Service and up to a week for Standard Service. Time frame is the only difference between these service plans. Use Express Service if time is more important than money. We will check at least 8,000,000,000 passwords for you.

3. If the password is found, we will send it to you. If we fail to find the password within 72 hours, we will fully refund your order.

Please note that if the password is found, the service fee is non-refundable. If you have several documents to recover, you are to submit each of them individually and pay the service fee for each document.

In order to use LastBit Office 2007/2010 Password Recovery Service, download and install our Word Password, Excel Password, PowerPoint Password, Access Password, OneNote Password or Project Password  (you can use the free demo version), choose the document you want to recover and then select "LastBit Office 2007/2010 Recovery Service" for the recovery mode. Also you can use online password recovery service.

Important notes:

  • This service is for Office 2007/2010 only. The earlier versions of Office have much weaker protection; you can recover those passwords much easier (and cheaper) using our software.

  • This service is for password to open only; other types of passwords (such as password to modify) could be recovered instantly. 

  • You can recover a password locally, on your computer using our software; however, in this case chances to recover the password are much lower, since the resource of a single, even the most powerful, computer is enough to recover only really short passwords. With LastBit Office 2007/2010 Password Recovery Service, you significantly raise your chances for the success and at the same time don’t risk with your money.

How to start using the service?
Download and install our software, run it, choose the document to recover and follow the instructions.


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